Lär dina barn spela piano på det roliga sättet, ingen notläsning behövs. Dina förskolebarn kan till och med lära sig spela och sjunga sånger som “Björnen sover”, "Bä, bä, vita lamm” och “Bonden och kråkan” bara genom att följa de färgade tangenterna. Du kan också sjunga med när ni spelar tillsammans. Eller låta barnen lära sig sångerna på egen hand.
Spela och Sjung är anpassad för barn i åldrarna år, samt för föräldrar. Istället för noter använder Spela och Sjung färgade tangenter och punkter så att du och dina barn kan sätta igång direkt och spela tillsammans, även om du inte har spelat något instrument förut. Följ bara de färgade punkterna och den markerade sångtexten för att lära er i er egen takt. Snart kommer du och dina barn kunna spela alla sångerna tillsammans.
I Spela och Sjung ingår 12 sånger. Lär dig spela:
- Broder Jakob
- Björnen sover
- Lilla snigel
- Små grodorna
- Sov du lilla vide ung
- Min hatt den har tre kanter
- Imse vimse spindel
- Blinka lilla stjärna där
- Bä, bä, vita lamm
- Bonden och kråkan
- Lunka på
- Vi gå över daggstänkta berg
Apple har uppdaterat den här appen för att visa appsymbolen för Apple Watch.
Virtual Piano: The Ultimate Online Piano Simulator That Everyone Can Play
Musical Scales and Modes
Select a tonal center (tonic) and click on a scale name to show the corresponding notes on the piano:
Acoustic scale
Altered (Super Locrian) scale
Augmented scale
Bebop dominant scale
Blues scale
Chromatic scale
Double harmonic scale
Dorian mode
Hirajoshi (Japanese) scale
Iwato (Japanese) scale
Locrian mode
Lydian mode
Major pentatonic scale
Minor pentatonic scale
Major scale / Ionian mode
Melodic minor scale
Minor scale / Aeloian mode
Mixolydian mode
Phrygian mode
Whole tone scale
¿What is a musical scale?
A scale is a set of musical notes ordered as a well-defined sequence of intervals (tones and semitones). A semitone is the minimum distance between two consecutive notes in any tempered scale (12 equal semitones per octave). In other words, a semitone is also the distance between two consecutive keys on the piano. For example, the distance between C and C# (black key next to C), or the distance between E and F (both being white keys). However, the distance between C and D, fo
Play the music you love
Learn your favorite songs on piano, no matter your level.
In Cooperation with
The best new way to learn piano
Learning with flowkey is easy and fun. Practice notes and chords interactively and receive instant feedback. All you need is the flowkey app and your piano or keyboard.
Discover Songs
Thousands of songs from every genre and skill level
Wait Mode
Listens to your playing and waits for you to hit the right notes
Video & Sheet Music
Watch an expert pianist play and follow sheet music on the same screen
Slow Motion
Play at reduced speed to get comfortable with a piece
Loop Function
Replay a specific section until you perfect it
Select a Hand
Practice right and left hands separately
Play your favorite songs
Learn to play piano with the songs you know and love. Discover beautiful arrangements for all abilities, created by professional pianists.
Step-by-step courses to reach your goals
Easy-to-understand lessons that cover everything from music theory, mastering chords, and how to read sheet music.
Why our users love flowkey
Over 5 million people have enjoyed learning pian
flowkey makes it fun and easy to play beautiful songs on piano within hours – even if you’re a beginner. Our songs and courses are crafted by professional pianists whose hands will guide you as you play.
Choose your favorite piano pieces from a rich selection of songs across all difficulty levels and genres – Classical, Pop, Film & TV, Video Games, and more.
Learn basics like how to read sheet music, use the proper technique, and play with both hands in our courses. Keep growing with lessons on scales, chords, improvisation, and other topics.
You can use flowkey with acoustic pianos as well as digital pianos and keyboards.
1 - Place your smartphone, tablet, or laptop on your piano
2 - Choose the song or course you wish to start learning
3 - Get instant feedback as you play – flowkey listens via your device’s microphone or MIDI and lets you know when you’re hitting the right notes
• Loop: Replay a specific section until you perfect it
• Wait Mode: Listens to your playing and waits for you to hit the right notes
• Select a Hand: Practice right and left hands separately