Mobila kliniken uppsala

Tandläkare i Uppsala

#-#Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.

Maximal lagringstid: SessionTyp: Lokal HTML-lagring


Maximal lagringstid: dagarTyp

iU5q-!O9@$Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.

Maximal lagringstid: SessionTyp: Lokal HTML-lagring

LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.

Maximal lagringstid: SessionTyp

LogsDatabaseV2:V#||LogsRequestsStoreUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.

Maximal lagringstid: BeständigTyp: IndexeradDB

nextIdUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.

Maximal lagringstid: SessionTyp

remote_sidNecessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.

Maximal lagringstid: SessionTyp

requestsUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.

Maximal lagringstid: SessionTyp

Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.

Maximal lagringstid: 1 dagTyp


Maximal lagringstid: dagarTyp


Maximal lagringstid: SessionTyp


The best waiting room is at home

För att boka hembesök av läkare eller skaffa ett abonnemang. Kontakta oss i appen MobilaDoktorn och kundservice: 87 00

  • House calls &#; choose when you want a doctor to visit you &#; every day 8 am pm

  • Avoid long waits and the spread of infection

  • A simpler and better healthcare option for you and your family, where you choose when to have a doctor come to your home

  • Customer Service Mon-Fri 8 am-7 pm Sat-Sun 9 am-7 pm

  • Book in our app or call customer service at
    87 00

First time? Book a house call for 1 SEK

An easier and better option for you and your family. You choose when you want a doctor to come to your house. Choose a time that suits you. If you want to receive medical advice by phone, we are available every day of the week.

  • Two house calls included

  • Medical advice by phone 8 am–7 pm on weekdays Sat-Sun 9 am-7 pm

  • Discount on the standard price list (if you need more house calls etc.)

Download the App

How it works


Download the app or call customer service.


Choose time and place for the visit.


The doctor visits you and writes prescriptions, certificates and refers you

Prehospitala akutpsykiatriska mobila enheten, Uppsala

Uppsala, Uppsala län

Post Address

Akademiska sjukhuset, 85 Uppsala

Please Visit wwwse for services, to book and cancel appointments.


Make sure you're well prepared before visiting a healthcare provider.

Remember to bring the following (if needed):

Also, prepare for your visit by noting any questions or concerns. Avoid strong scents, as some patients and staff have allergies. Cancel or reschedule promptly if you can’t attend your appointment. If you have symptoms of a cold, flu, or stomach flu, stay home until you're symptom-free for a day. Please call for possible care options, especially if you really need in-person assistance.

Note:: All information is sourced from publicly available data. Please note that the information on this website may not always be completely up to date. Please keep in mind that opening hours may vary, especially during holidays.

Encountered any error or incorrect information?

Making sure that all information is accurute is our main priority. If you would encounter any information that is incorrect or any inconsistency, please let us know in the form below so it c

