Hur gör man de största föremålen i Sims 4?
Hur man gör föremål större in Sims 4? Om du är en ivrig spelare the sims 4, du kanske någon gång önskat att objekten i spelet var lite större. Lyckligtvis finns det ett enkelt sätt att göra detta utan behov av mods eller ytterligare nedladdningar. I den här artikeln kommer vi att visa dig hur du förstorar storleken på objekt i the sims 4 så att du kan anpassa ditt virtuella hus efter din smak. Fortsätt läsa för att upptäcka dessa användbara knep och ge dina konstruktioner en unik touch!
Steg för steg ➡️ Hur gör man föremål större i Sims 4?
- Öppna spelet Sims 4.
- Välj ett sparat spel eller skapa ett nytt.
- Gå in i byggläge.
- Välj ett rum eller utrymme där du vill placera det största föremålet.
- Välj den objektkategori som objektet du vill förstora tillhör till.
- Sök och välj det objekt du vill ändra.
- Högerklicka på objektet för att öppna ytterligare alternativ.
- Välj alternativet «Modify-Delete Objects».
- I mod-menyn ser du flera ikoner längst ner på skärmen.
- Klicka på ikonen för att ändra storlek på objekt (en fyrkant med pilar i hörnen).
- Vänsterklicka nu på objektet och håll ner musknappen.
- Dra obj
Think Small
Hi, Im Jason Sterling. There was a lot of excitement over the new roofs added to the base game selection for the Sims 4. However, I’m someone who loves not only tiny houses but also the tiny apartments in San Myshuno. As such, I was far more anticipating the ability to make things smaller. Its something Ive wanted for a long time. I set out to test the new ability and below are my successes and failures and uncertainties while thinking small.
Youll need this cheat:
- jects (MOO) Allows build/buy items to be freely moved around within the build and activates the height slider that raises objects up and down in the air and on the walls using the number 9 for up and the number 0 for going back down. Press CTRL-SHIFT-C to open a dialog box in the upper left of the window while in the game. Type the cheat in bold and press enter.
The Obvious
There have always been numerous items that were considered- abnormally large for the Sims in the Sims 4. Other items size fit their purpose but many of us wanted a smaller version for wider use. There are several examples below and most likely youve already thought of most of them. The new ability to decre
I’ve spent too many hours to count playing in The Sims 4’s build mode.
Whether it be making mansions, charming family homes, or a fun place for my sims to visit, there’s a lot at your disposal. So much so that it can be easy to overlook some of the less obvious tools available in the build mode. One such tool thats easy to miss is how to resize objects.
Worry not – weve got you covered. Heres how to change the size of objects in The Sims 4.
Make objects bigger or smaller in The Sims 4
If you’ve ever been searching for lots in The Sims 4 and saw someone with a car parked in a makeshift garage and been confused, worry not.
Youre right – The Sims 4 does not feature cars like The Sims 2 or 3 did, and yes, that’s lame. However, while you may not be able to drive them, there is a workaround that many Sims players have been using for a while now: the increase/decrease size shortcut. In this case, a toy car has been made bigger to look like a real car. Neat, right?
After selecting an item, simply hit either the [ key on your keyboard to make it smaller, or the ] key to make it larger.
Perhaps a bit odd at first glance, this function has plenty of usefu
How to Make Objects Bigger and Smaller in Sims 4 Resize Guide
There is so much you can do in The Sims 4, even within a single lot in Build/Buy mode. You can even do plenty without using special build cheats and just following build challenges. Of course, we see the power of these cheats. Making items in-game smaller and larger can transform a build into something entirely unique and creative. Here's how to do that.
How to make objects bigger and smaller in Sims 4
How to enlarge items in The Sims 4
While a lot of the reasons to size up an item are cosmetic, we don't question what use you have for making an object bigger. We just want to help show you how! It's quite easy to enlarge an item in The Sims 4. You just need to enter your game and:
- Look for the Hammer & Wrench icon in the top right of your screen
- Click the icon to enter Build/Buy mode and choose an item to size up
- Use Shift + ] on your keyboard to make the object bigger
Related:How to Build a Pond in The Sims 4
How to shrink items in The Sims 4
Sizing items down can be extremely useful, especially if you combine it with the jects on cheat. You can make stunning and uni