Hur ser kinesiska holly

Ilex cornuta

Species of holly

Ilex cornuta, commonly known as Chinese holly[3] or horned holly,[4] is a slow-growing, densely foliaged evergreen shrub in the Aquifoliaceae plant family. It is native to eastern China and Korea[5] and attains a height of about 3 metres (&#;ft). The leaves are usually 5-spined (sometimes 4), between &#;cm and 10&#;cm long,[6] oblong and entire. The fruits are red berries, which are larger than those of the European Holly (Ilex aquifolium).

Ilex cornuta is valued horticulturally for its attractive and distinctive rectangular foliage and for its large red berries. Several cultivars and hybrids have been introduced by the horticultural trade, including 'Burfordii' (compact and free-fruiting), 'Dazzler' (large fruits), 'Dwarf Burfordii' (particularly compact), and 'Nellie R. Stevens' (a hybrid with I.&#;aquifolium, very free-fruiting).

Ilex cornuta and its cultivars will tolerate a wide variety of soils and will grow in sun or shade.



Ilex cornuta is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that can grow up to metres (8&#;ft) tall. It has been recorded as growing up to metres (2

Chinese Holly Shrub Trimming Guide (Ilex cornuta)

Chinese holly, scientifically known as Ilex cornuta, is a versatile and attractive shrub that is popular in many landscapes. Renowned for its glossy green leaves and bright red berries, this evergreen shrub can add beauty and structure to your garden. However, to maintain its health, promote growth, and ensure it looks its best, regular trimming is essential. This guide will provide you with comprehensive information on how to properly trim your Chinese holly shrubs.

Understanding Chinese Holly

Before diving into the trimming process, it’s important to understand the characteristics of Ilex cornuta. This shrub typically grows between 3 to 10 feet tall, depending on the variety, and can spread about 4 to 6 feet wide. Its dense, bushy nature makes it an excellent choice for privacy screens, hedges, or even standalone specimen plants.

Chinese holly is known for its thick, spiny leaves that are dark green and glossy. In the fall and winter months, these shrubs produce clusters of bright red berries that not only enhance their visual appeal but also attract birds and wildlife to your garden.

Importance of Trimming

Trimming o

Mens den er hjemmehørende i Kina, er den kinesiske holly meget elsket af fugle og befolkningen i Sydøstamerika. Denne stedsegrønne busk er alsidig; den kan vokse som en frodig stor busk eller et lille trimmet træ. Fugle som vild kalkun, nordlig bobhvide, sørgedue, cedertræsving, amerikansk guldfink og nordlig kardinal søger dens tætte løv til redning og bær til mad.

Chinese Holly er den første kristtorn, der blomstrer om foråret. Små, gulgrønne blomster, hver med fire små kronblade, tiltrækker sæsonens første bier. "D'Or Chinese Holly" også kendt som "Yellowberry Holly" tiltrækker specifikt de jordnærende Colletes banksi bier.

I de køligere måneder tilbyder de fleste mørk orange eller rød frugt, mens færre sorter skaber blødere farvede gule bær. Det er en af de få hollies, der kan producere bær uden mandlig bestøvning, den største af alle kristtornbær med en diameter på 1/4 til 1/2 tomme. Bladene er mørke olivenblanke grønne og lidt stikkende. De hårløse blade betragtes som læderagtige og voksagtige i tekstur. Hvert bredblad er usædvanligt skinnende sammenlignet med andre i familien Aquifoliaceae.

Botanisk navnIlex cornuta
Almindeligt navn

You don’t have to travel abroad to admire Chinese holly plants (Ilex cornuta). These broadleaf evergreens thrive in gardens in the American southeast, producing the classic shiny leaves and berries beloved by wild birds. If you want to know the ins and outs of caring for Chinese hollies, read on.

About Chinese Holly Plants

Chinese holly plants can be grown as large shrubs or small trees up to 25 feet (8 m.) tall. They are broadleaf evergreens with the same, glossy green foliage so typical of hollies. Those growing Chinese holly know that the leaves are rather rectangular, about 4 inches (10 cm.) long with large spines. Blossoms are a dull greenish white hue. They are not showy but offer a whopping fragrance. Like other hollies, Chinese holly plants bear red drupes as fruit. These berry-like drupes stick on the tree branches well into winter and are very decorative. The drupes also provide much needed nutrition for birds and other wildlife during the cold season. The dense foliage is excellent for nesting. Wild birds that appreciate this shrub include wild turkey, northern bobwhite, mourning dove, cedar waxwing, American goldfinch, and northern cardinal.

How to Grow Ch
