Calories Burned Calculator
Use the following calculators to estimate the number of calories burned during certain activities based on either activity duration or distance (only for walking, running, or cycling). To estimate the calories consumed each day, use our Calorie Calculator.
Calorie Burned by Distance Calculator
Use this calculator to estimate the calories to be burned by walking, running, or bicycling for a distance.
The number of calories that the body burns during regular daily activities or exercise is dependent on various factors, so it is not an exact science. The results of this calculator (and any other) are based on standardized data that references an "average" person, so it is only an estimate. The formula and methodology used by this calculator are described below in the "Calculating calories burned" section.
For more information on the number of calories a person should consume each day for weight maintenance, weight loss, or weight gain, refer to the Calorie calculator. Generally, the number of calories consumed, less calories burned through activities and basal metabolic rate (calories consumed - calories burned - BMR) will determine whether a p
Den här kalkylatorn – och alla våra program – finns i vår app Styrkelabbet! Ladda ned den här för iOS eller här för Android.
Med formulären nedan kan du räkna ut ditt energibehov. Observera att uträkningen är olika för män och kvinnor. Exempel för att uppskatta din aktivitetsnivå hittar du längre ned på sidan.
Baserat på kön, vikt, längd och ålder räknas din basalmetabolism (ditt grundläggande energibehov) ut och multipliceras sedan med aktivitetsnivån du har angett. Den kan du uppskatta med hjälp av exemplen nedan:
- Lite till ingen träning = Aktivitetsnivå:
- Träning dagar/vecka = Aktivitetsnivå:
- Träning dagar/vecka = Aktivitetsnivå:
- Träning dagar/vecka = Aktivitetsnivå:
- Träning 2 ggr/dag, tung träning = Aktivitetsnivå:
Ditt energibehov beräknas i kalkylatorn ovan med Mifflin-St Jeor-ekvationen som är en av de bästa och modernaste ekvationerna för att beräkna kaloribehov.
Tänk på att:
- Ange alla decimaler med punkt (.) och inte komma (,)
- Ange din längd i centimeter, inte meter
Learn How Many Calories You Burn Every Day
Use the TDEE calculator to learn your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, a measure of how many calories you burn per day. This calorie calculator will also display your BMI, BMR, Macros & many other useful statistics!
Questions? Email me at rob@
…and don't forget to check the FAQ
How TDEE Is Calculated
Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is an estimation of how many calories you burn per day when exercise is taken into account. It is calculated by first figuring out your Basal Metabolic Rate, then multiplying that value by an activity multiplier.
Since your BMR represents how many calories your body burns when at rest, it is necessary to adjust the numbers upwards to account for the calories you burn during the day. This is true even for those with a sedentary lifestyle. Our TDEE calculator uses the best formulas and displays your score in a way that's easy to read and meaningful.
Kaloriförbrukning - Beräkna din kaloriförbrukning