Vad är womens physique

Disciplinerna inom kroppskultur

Det finns ett större utbud av grenar att välja bland inom svensk kroppskultur. De ställer alla olika krav på muskelmassa, form och scenframträdande. Här är reglerna du behöver veta.

Män kan tävla i fyra olika grenar; Men&#;s Physique, Atletic Fitness, Classic Bodybuilding, och Bodybuilding.

Kvinnor kan tävla i fyra olika grenar; Bikini Fitness, Athletic Fitness, Bodyfitness samt Women&#;s Physique.

Gren som ej längre har aktiva tävlande nationellt, men som alltjämt finns på programmet till varje SM:

  • Fitness (herrar och damer)

Så här kan man placera de olika grenarna i förhållande till varandra med &#;lättaste&#; grenen från vänster:

Athletic Fitness är lite svårplacerad eftersom det innehåller prestationsmoment, och hamnar egentligen vid sidan av trappan.


  • Förbedömning, elimineringsrond genomförs om klassen innehåller fler än 15 deltagare, för att reducera antalet tävlande till 15 inför rond 1.
  • Förbedömning, rond 1 (semifinal) genomförs med de 15 bästa deltagarna som dessutom kallas upp för särbedömning i grupper om 3–5.
  • Final, Rond 2 eller Rond 2 och Rond 3 beroende på disciplin, genomförs

    How does one define the ideal feminine physique? Unraveling the mystery behind the feminine physique is a journey through culture, biology, and personal perception. What truly embodies the essence of the ideal female form? Let&#;s delve into this captivating exploration.

    Unveiling the Enigma: Defining the Ideal Feminine Physique

    In the quest to understand the feminine physique, we navigate a labyrinth of cultural, historical, and societal influences. From the allure of the curvy to the allure of the slender, the ideal female form remains a captivating enigma. Let&#;s embark on a journey of exploration, dissecting the myriad factors that shape our perceptions of feminine beauty.

    What cultural influences shape the definition of the ideal feminine physique?

    Feminine physique ideals are deeply entwined with cultural norms and values. From ancient civilizations to modern societies, cultural influences dictate beauty standards, celebrating various body shapes such as the curvy, hourglass figure, or the slender, womanly silhouette.

    How do beauty standards impact the perception of the ideal feminine physique?

    Beauty standards wield immense power, sculpting our perceptio

    The Evolution of the Female Physique

    How Changing Standards Effect the Sport

    On any given weekend across the country, hundreds of females step onstage in small, rhinestone-covered posing suits and hit their mandatory poses under the scrutinizing eye of a panel of judges. These women are judged purely on their aesthetics and compared directly to one another during their time onstage. As the competition moves through different categories from bikini, to fitness, to figure, to women’s physique to women’s bodybuilding, the physiques of the women change and get more muscular and ripped to the bone. To those in the audience who are unfamiliar with the world of physique contests, it may be confusing.

    The world of female bodybuilding has evolved a lot over the last 40 years, from its inception, when the sport consisted of just one category, to its current structure with five professionally recognized categories (bikini, fitness, figure, bodybuilding, and physique). Women are now able to build their ideal physiques and see how they rank. However, even within these five categories, there have been dramatic changes in the size and conditioning of athletes. As the landscape of the spor

    Natalia Coelho – IFBB Pro Leagues yngsta proffs

    Skrivet av Anders JP Eskilsson

    Vid endast 22 års ålder har brasilianska proffset Natalia Coelho redan uppnått mål som äldre rutinerade proffs bara kan drömma om. Blott 19 år gammal, kan hon titulera sig som en av de yngsta proffsen i IFBB Pro League. BODY:s Anders JP Eskilsson har fått chansen att snacka lite med henne.

    Etiketter: bodybuilding, IFBB Pro League, ifbb-professional-league, mr-olympia, ms-international, Natalia Abraham Coelho, Natália Coelho, women-physique

    Listorna över inbjudna till Arnold Classic Ohio är nu klara

    Skrivet av Anders JP Eskilsson

    Torsdagen den e februari &#; 2:a mars är det dags för den a upplagan av Arnold Sports Festival i Columbus Ohio. Festivalen tillsammans med amatör och proffstävlingarna är det näst största bodybuilding & fitness-eventet efter Mr. Olympia. Själva Arnold Classic kommer i år bestå av 8 stycken IFBB Pro League divisioner.   Arnold Classic […]

    Etiketter: Arnold Schwarzenegger, arnold-classic, bikini-fitness, bikini-international, bodybuilding, Classic Physique, fitness-international, frida-paulsen-stern, men's physique, Tävling, women-physique, women

    Women’s Physique judging criteria is based on muscularity, conditioning, symmetry (balanced proportions), poise and presentation. Striated muscle will NOT be marked down in this division.


    Symmetry – Symmetry score is a measurement of the evenness of development of the competitor’s physique and how well the parts of the physique flow together. It includes the balance and proportion of the competitor from side to side, top to bottom and front to back. Symmetry is a measurement of evenness of development between all muscle groups and proportion when viewed from all sides. No body part or muscle group should stand out from the rest.


    Muscularity – Muscularity refers to muscle size and development relative to the competitor’s frame, including shape and size. The level of muscularity is determined by the extent of development in relation to the size of the competitor’s skeletal structure. Also, to be considered is the shape and contour of the developed muscle and muscle groups should display:

    ∙ A level of muscularity more than that of Figure, but not as significant as Boydbuilding.

    ∙ Well-defined muscles that flow evenly.

    ∙ Full,