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Appalling | Flood victims are struggling to survive in appalling conditions in Orissa / Hector found his roommate's habit of leaving his dirty socks on the floor appalli |
Awful | The sight of starving children is too awful to see / They heard the most awful sounds. / the place smelled awful / Her handwriting is awful / his accident wa |
Cadaverous | From his cadaverous appearance, we could see how the disease had ravaged him. / he had a cadaverous appearance |
Dreadful | The sound of the bomb was extremely dreadful The thought of accident itself was dreadful / The sound of the bomb was extremely dreadful / there's been a drea |
Frightening | a frightening experience |
Frightful | The student left his room in a frightful mess / there's been a frightful accident / Tom had some frightful wounds / a frightful ordeal |
Grim | The future seems to be grim / The bully grimmed at me. / Hikers made a grim discovery when they came across a dead body in the woods. / his grim expression / |
Grisly | The prisoners of war gave a grisly account of their torture / She shuddered at the grisly sight. / The jurors saw grisly photos of th
Translation of ghastly – English–Swedish dictionaryin more languages in Japanese in Turkish in French in Catalan in Dutch in Arabic in Czech in Danish in Indonesian in Thai in Vietnamese in Polish in Malay in German in Norwegian in Korean in Ukrainian in Italian in Russian Translation of gruesome – English–Swedish dictionaryin Chinese (Traditional) (通常用來描述死亡或者傷害)令人厭惡的,恐怖的,可怕的… See more in Chinese (Simplified) (通常用来描述死亡或者伤害)令人厌恶的,恐怖的,可怕的… See more in Spanish horripilante, horrible [masculine-feminine], espantoso/osa [masculine-feminine]… See more in Portuguese medonho, horrível… See more 身の毛がよだつような, 陰惨な, 陰惨(いんさん)な… See more tüyler ürperten, ürkütücü, dehşet verici… See more grusom, redselsfull, makaber… See more raccapricciante, macabro, orribile… See more . |