Sulvik arvika


Sulvik är en tätort i Arvika kommun, belägen i Älgå socken cirka 1 mil utanför Arvika.

I samhället finns tre affärer: en bensinmack, Smolmans Blommor, en skönhetssalong samt en livsmedelsbutik och en skola med cirka elever i klasserna

I Sulvik som ligger vid Glafsfjorden finns Sveriges innersta hamn som har förbindelse med havet. Hamnen förbands tidigare med sjön Ränken via en hästdriven järnväg för transport av järn från bruken högre upp i sjösystemen. Denna järnväg är avbildad på den tidigare Älgå landskommuns vapen.

I Sulvik förvarade Karl XII 48&#; liter sprit inför kriget mot Norge. Där fanns även ett bageri som försåg trupperna med bröd. Detta transporterades till Holmedal och Eda skans.


Befolkningsutvecklingen i Sulvik –[4]
År Folkmängd Areal (ha)
















Anm.: Ny tätort


  1. ^ [ab] Statistiska tätorter , befolkning, landareal, befolkningstäthet per tätort,


    in Arvika (Värmland)

    Contents: Locality

    The population development of Sulvik as well as related information and services (weather, Wikipedia, Google, images).

    Source: Statistiska Centralbyrån, Sverige.

    Explanation: Localities according to the definition. For reasons of comparability, proximity and identity, some localities split since are not separated by »City Population«.

    Further information about the population structure:

    Gender (E )
    Age Groups (E )
    65+ years

    Located in:

    Arvika Municipality

    Municipality in Värmland County, Sweden

    Arvika Municipality (Arvika kommun) is a municipality in Värmland County in west central Sweden. Its seat is located in the city of Arvika.

    The present municipality was created in when the former City of Arvika was amalgamated with five rural municipalities of Glava, Gunnarskog, Älgå, Brunskog and Stavnäs.

    Arvika is most known for the annual Arvika Festival that attracts international artists.





    This is a demographic table based on Arvika Municipality's electoral districts in the Swedish general election sourced from SVT's election platform, in turn taken from SCB official statistics.[3]

    In total there were 25, residents, including 19, Swedish citizens of voting age.[3] % voted for the left coalition and % for the right coalition. Indicators are in percentage points except population totals and income.

    % %
    Agneteberg 2, 1, 74 79 21 23, 29
    Degerängen 1, 1, 77 77 23 25, 31
    Dottevik 1, 1, 65 72 28 20, 39
    Edane-Mangskog 2, 2, 85 92 8 25


    Place in Värmland, Sweden

    Arvika is a locality and the seat of Arvika Municipality, Värmland County, Sweden with 14, inhabitants in [1]



    The town of Arvika is situated at Kyrkviken, a bay of Glafsfjorden, Sweden's only inland fjord, a remnant of the time following the last ice age (once a fjord of the Ancylus Lake). The town is located approximately km west of Stockholm, km north of Gothenburg, km east of Oslo, and 50 km from the Norwegian border.

    The area is hilly with the tallest hill Storkasberget close to the town centre.

    Arvika and its surroundings have excellent water infrastructure. In fact, Arvika has the innermost harbour in the whole of Sweden. Through a system of canals, lake Vänern can be reached, and from there the Göta Canal allows further passage to Gothenburg and Sweden's west coast.



    Ten kilometers west of the city, in Bergs Klätt, there are remnants of a younger Stone Age and Nordic Bronze Age settlements in the form of graves.

    The town was a village until when it was given town privileges by royal charter under the name Oscarsstad in order to improve the economy of the area. This attemp
