Aris fioretos hitta

Aris Fioretos

Aris Antonis Fioretos, född 6 februari i Göteborg, är en svensk författare och översättare.


Aris Fioretos, vars föräldrar kommer från Grekland respektive Österrike, föddes i Göteborg och växte upp i Lund. Fadern var professor i medicin, modern hade ett galleri. I hemmet talades främst svenska och tyska. Under större delen av sitt vuxna liv har han bott utomlands, framför allt i USA och Tyskland. Han studerade för Jacques Derrida i Paris, senare vid Stockholms universitet och vid Yale University.

Hösten disputerade Fioretos i litteraturvetenskap med avhandlingen Det kritiska ögonblicket. Det är en dekonstruktivistisk analys av verk av Friedrich Hölderlin, Walter Benjamin och Paul Celan. Sedan är han docent i litteraturvetenskap, sedan professor i estetik vid Södertörns högskola.[2] Han har varit professor vid Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) och Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ), samt Freie Universität och Humboldt Universität, båda i Berlin. – var Fioretos kulturråd vid Svenska ambassaden i samma stad. Den 16 juli var Fioretos sommarvärd i P1. I programmet skildrade han vad som kan ha varit sin upp

Aris Fioretos

Aris Fioretos was born in Gothenburg in He studied at Stockholm University and Yale University. Doctorate , Habiliation , professorship since Since he has published essays and novels as well as translations by Friedrich Hölderlin, Vladimir Nabokov, Walter Serner and Jan Wagner, among others. He has received several prizes and awards for his work, most recently the Swedish Broadcasting Novel Prize (), the Jeanette Shock Prize of the City of Bremerhaven () and the Essay Prize of the Swedish Academy (). His novels have been translated into over a dozen languages. The German edition of his last novel, Mary, published in , has been much discussed.
In / Fioretos was a guest of the DAAD's Berlin Artists-in-Residence Programme, in he was a fellow of the American Academy in Berlin and subsequently a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. he was Counsellor for Cultural Affairs at the Swedish Embassy in Berlin. Since he has been a member and Vice President of the German Academy for Language and Poetry in Darmstadt. He lives and works in Stockholm.

Kurator der Poetica V: Rausch. States of Euphoria

Auswahl der Werke in deutscher Sprache

  • Die Seelensucherin. Roman. Aus d

    No. 1







    Aris Fioretos
    The author of several works of fiction and scholarship in his native Sweden, Aris Fioretos most recently published Sanningen om Sascha Knisch (), a novel set in Berlin in Among his books in English are Word Traces: Readings of Paul Celan (Johns Hopkins University Press, ) and The Solid Letter: Readings of Friedrich Hölderlin (Stanford University Press, ), as well as the literary essay The Gray Book (Stanford University Press, ). His work has appeared in numerous journals and periodicals on both sides of the Atlantic, and many of his books are currently being translated into other languages. The Swedish translator of Paul Auster, Friedrich Hölderlin and Vladimir Nabokov, among others, Mr. Fioretos is the recipient of several awards, among them the Karl Ragnar Gierow Prize of the Swedish Academy, as well as fellowships from the Getty Center, the American Academy in Berlin and All Souls College, Oxford. He holds advanced degrees from Yale University and the University of Stockholm




    Aris Fioretos is the author of several works of fiction and scholarship, including English are Word Traces: Readings of Paul Celan (), The Solid Letter: Readings of Friedrich Hölderlin (), as well as the literary essay The Gray Book (Stanford, ). In , DuMont Verlag published Die Seelensucherin, the German translation of his novel Stockholm Noir, and Suhrkamp published Der kritische Moment: Hölderlin, Benjamin, Celan (Suhrkamp).


    Fioretos&#;s fiction has appeared in numerous journals and periodicals on both sides of the Atlantic, and he is the recipient of several awards, including the Karl Ragnar Gierow Prize of the Swedish Academy and fellowships from the Whiting and Mellon Foundations, the Getty Center, and the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Fioretos holds advanced degrees from Yale University and the University of Stockholm. In , he was a guest of the Berliner Künstlerprogramm of the DAAD.
