Alvar aalto möbel

Alvar Aalto

Aino Aalto und Alvar Aalto - Pioniere der skandinavischen Moderne

Alvar Aalto gilt heute als Wegbereiter der skandinavischen Moderne. Warum seine Frau Aino Aalto, die noch vor ihrer Heirat ab gleichberechtigte Partnerin in Alvar Aaltos Architekturbüro war, dabei nicht die selbe Erwähnung findet, ist schwer nachvollziehbar.

geboren, studierte Aino, eigentlich Aino Maria Marsio, Architektur in Helsinki und lernte Alvar Aalto kennen, als er auf ihre Einladung hin einen Vortrag vor einer von ihr ins Leben gerufenen Gruppe von Architekturstudentinnen hielt. Als Alvar Aalto sein eigenes Büro gründete, wurde Aino gleichberechtigte Mitarbeiterin und bereits ein Jahr später heirateten die beiden.

Aino Aalto war so bis an vielen Architektur- und Designprojekten beteiligt. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die berühmte Villa Mairea in Noormarkku, das Paimio Sanatorium und das Savoy Restaurant in Helsinki. Welchen Anteil sie an vielen der heute Alvar Aalto zugeschriebenen Arbeiten genau hatte, ist nicht mehr auszumachen. Neben der Tatsache, dass Architektur zur damaligen Zeit eine absolute Männerdomäne war, hatte Aino Aalto aber wohl auch persönliche Gründe, die sie die Rolle h



Alvar Aalto () enjoyed an exceptionally rich and varied career as an architect and designer, both at home in Finland and abroad. Aalto adopted the principles of user-friendly, functional design in his architecture. From the late s onwards, the architectural expression of Aalto’s buildings became enriched by the use of organic forms, natural materials, and increasing freedom in the handling of space.

It was characteristic of Aalto to treat each building as a complete work of art – right down to the furniture and light fittings. In , Artek was formed to promote the growing production and sales of Aalto furniture. The design of his furniture combined practicality and aesthetics with series production, following the main Artek idea of encouraging a more beautiful everyday life in the home. As far as design was concerned, Aalto was driven by an interest in glass since it provided an opportunity to handle the material in a new kind of way using free forms. His win in the Karhula-Iittala glassware design competition in led to the birth of the world-famous Savoy vase. 

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Recognised today as one of the great masters of modern architecture, Alvar Aalto ( –) was born in Kuortane, Finland. During a long and prolific career, Aalto designed buildings for almost all key public institutions, as well as standardised housing and private homes. One of the co-founders of Artek, Aalto left a legacy with lasting resonance.

Together with his wife Aino Aalto, he began designing furnishings as a natural extension of their architectural thinking and his first modern furniture design was created in for the tuberculosis sanatorium in Paimio, Finland. Artek was set up in to market and sell Alvar and Aino Aalto’s furniture, lighting and textiles, particularly on international markets.

Through his innovations in form and line, Alvar Aalto’s name has also become important in the history of design. In fact, Aalto first achieved fame in Continental Europe as a furniture designer, and only later as an architect. His contribution to furniture design was among his foremost achievements in its own right. Aalto’s furniture and lighting form the heart of the Artek range.

  1. Alvar Aalto

    Aino Aalto and Alvar Aalto - Pioneers of Scandinavian modernism

    Today Alvar Aalto is considered to be the pioneer of Scandinavian modernism. It is difficult to understand why his wife Aino Aalto, who was an equal partner in Alvar Aalto's architectural office from before her marriage, is not mentioned in the same way.

    Born in Aino Maria Marsi, studied architecture in Helsinki and met Alvar Aalto when, at her invitation, he gave a lecture to a group of architecture students she had set up. When Alvar Aalto founded his own office in , Aino became an equal employee and the two married a year later.

    Aino Aalto was involved in many architecture and design projects until her untimely death Project including, for example, the famous Villa Mairea in Noormarkku, the Paimio Sanatorium and the Savoy Restaurant in Helsinki. Exactly what part she played in many of the works currently ascribed to Alvar Aalto can no longer be determined. In addition to the fact that architecture was an absolute male domain at the time, Aino Aalto probably also had personal reasons that made her take on the role behind the scenes, as managing director of Artek and host for the intellectual elit
